what is macro? : macro is a close up picture that shows a close up picture
are just close shots considered macro?: macro photography means different things to different photographers but in simple terms, it is the art of making small object look big
is a smartphone or a point and shoot good for macro photography?: taking great macro photos is possible with practically any camera type or model.
which lens is good for macro photography if you do have a camera: the best choice is a macro lens it can provide you with sharp and perfectly exposed photos.
is a tripod necessary?: it is not really but if you want a tripod can keep your camera steady while you compose your shots.
how to capture amazing macro : you can tell if a macro is a perfect if its a subject is the main point of interest.
what kind of backgrounds: it can be a simple background or a busy background.
how long does it take?: know it can take up to an hour if you want the perfect photos.
what kind of lighting: results are better with natural lighting than artificial lighting.
figure out your desired depth of field : this involves adjusting you cameras aperture depending on how much depth of field you want.
schedule: i am busy on monday tuesdays and fridays with my other clients is you want to book and appointment im free on wednesdays and thurdays